Wednesday, December 9, 2009

run the show

This feeling of euphoria that bubbles from within you like a boiling pot is inevitable when you have just crossed the finishing line of high school; leaving everything behind except bittersweet memories - From the first few baby steps to the first day of primary and finally the ending of high school.

And now that you've finished the race, it's actually more of reality checking you from behind rather than a pat on the back congratulating your victory of finishing school. It's no more fun and games. We are growing so fast we don't even realise what's coming at us whether or not we are prepared to face the consequences of our actions of the things we did or did not do without thinking. But all set aside, the years of schooling have taught me a few lessons in life;

Although there are incidents you may regret in life,they become much more appreciated after you realise they were lessons to be learned in disguise.

Reading is very important, literally, in shaping our lives. it is far more than just for education purposes.

Happiness is not about being perfect, it's about seeing beyond one's flaws

Prom is very much overrated

It isn't love the first time. But the first time teaches you how to.

Being gullible is not cute anymore

Only few appreciate what they have before its gone. Be you one of them.

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