Thursday, October 9, 2008

shut up

its definitely indescribable,
but i'll try.
it was like a lift of burden from the heart,
its like i felt all better in the whole.
even though i have a feeling i'm probably going to regret it,
it felt so right.
its like a force is pulling; and i can't stop it.
and for some reason i liked what it felt like.
im crossing enemy lines.
and im going over my boundaries
im trying desperately to control; im losing the grip of the situation.
i'm sinking dammit.
i couldnt even sleep yesterday.i was smiling the whole time.
I got to get a hold of myself.xO
confused much? yes;very. but i'll try to sort these feelings out first.
but whatever the verdict may be,
it felt nice to tell the truth once in a while.(:

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