Saturday, January 22, 2011

a taste of the sky

i've come to a conclusion that life is made out of the choices you make. theres numerous branches of opportunities, like veins and roots, in every choice you make that clears out the view of the path your setting out for yourself. the question is, how do you know which path is the right one for you? we cant drive test them as every decision has there cause and effects. but every thing that you do. be it a bad or a good experience, still remains as an experience. a lesson to be learned. and though what i went through would be called foolish or naive by others, call it whatever you want, i don't regret making those choices that i did. i was and came out , alive. more alive than previous relationships, stronger somehow. i know things now. and though what i'm doing hurts. i feel relieved off this true prolonging feeling in my heart. this feeling of sadness, confusion. delusional. the tricks that my mind constantly makes to myself, torturing slowly. and it's gonna hurt. i know. im going through it now. but i'm gonna let the wind take me, take me wherever it wants to go. spread my wings.....and live. embrace it,

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