Sunday, January 18, 2009

today I

read the newspaper.Yes, ladies and gents.there is more to it,i was reading a malay newspaper.which is odd for people who knws me.cause i dont read the paper much except for the cool 'Star Two's' and 'Metro's' with the comic section in it.xD and thats when i saw the news.on the front page of berita mingguan.about the PBB school was bombed by the Zionis. its a school.a refuge for these children and old people..innocent lives are taken away by force each and every single day.And for a fact it is not even their land to take.and what shocked me the most was that no country near was an ally to the Palestinians..i feel helpless that theres nothing i could really do. these poor palestinians.i thank god for the people who are doing something about it.People are killing each other.I realise that we humans have a good side in us.and its great.But we also have a dark side..and its so very ugly.sigh..i shall pray for them.besides that.what was in the newspaper a few pages after was something i found interestingly says there that 'RAMAI REMAJA KINI PUJA SYAITAN'.. MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .xD whoop de dhoo...crazy people nowadays. till then lovers. <3

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