Sunday, May 26, 2013

Nights with Bonnie&Clyde

Time waits for no man. There is 24 hours in a day. Different people do different things within this period of time. people get married, celebrate an occasion, doing chores, studying for finals, mourning for a loss, get sick, get pregnant. The list is endless.

To me, for the past week, time never seemed enough.

168 hours of my life have been taken to show me the dark side of liberty. The liberty from the mind, from religion, from sanity. The negative outcomes from negative decisions made from your own rational mind.
These said hours have also taught me about trust. How you trust your own instincts and beliefs, how you trust your friends, how you trust people in general. This week has got me succumbed to so many lessons in life i should value that i am overwhelmed by its presence.

It has taught me life, it has taught me to appreciate goodness, it has taught me to see reality.

And people.... it's not pretty.

Maybe it is to show me, the ridiculousness of my goal of experimenting everything at this age.

Alhamdulilah and InsyaAllah He will always be there to 'sober' me out to the truth.

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