Sunday, July 4, 2010


I feel my breathe taken away from me.

i feel it when you put your lips gently to mine.

when you look into my eyes and you tell me you love me,

when you say everythings going to be okay. and i am assured that it will be.

I feel like i always leave something in that car when i walk away.

Like my heart.

And your eyes becomes filled with tears.

And you search into mine which becomes untimely hollow.

And our heart feels twisted, and my soul feels incomplete.

And i love you. I love you so very much.

Too much that it hurts me to leave your side.

That i tear at this very moment. desperately trying to take control of my rigid self.

Maybe you know or maybe you don't.

Of the effects that you do to me.

And that your name has somehow been carved on my heart.