Sunday, December 19, 2010


*turns to face me*

"would you be my girlfriend?"



"no, sayyy...."

"i said, would you be my girlfriend?"

*smiles*... "but i didn't even said i love you yet"

"i know..."

.......................*keeps quiet*...................

"i want to tell you something" *pulls you close and whispers in your ear*

...."i love you"

oblivion, content, fireworks, chocolate cakes, vanilla icecreams and brownies, overlooking a view of the sunset, heart aching, chest burdening,hearing the waves of the sea, contempt, love, life.....

is what we both felt on the 21st of february 2009. at around 9 something at night; watching the punisher at ,then, cineleisure..

at that moment, never did i expect for things to end up like this. its not and ending.
to be honest,i thought we were gonna end up being broken to pieces because of boredom.

but i keep forgetting, i've always adored you. ever since i saw you through the webcam. in your room at the condominium, at the hallway, you wearing your sleevless gym outfit, coming up to the laptop,slowly caressing my cheeks on the screen.. how i adored you, despite the fact i tried so hard to push you away.

i keep wondering why good things in this life never seems to last.
and i keep reminding myself, your gonna be there at the finishing line.
and i can't wait to see you sayang.
grown up,and in my arms.

i've taken you, all of you,as who you are. the bad the good the annoying... and i still loved you.
i still love you. with all of my heart.
i need to be independent now.

you've been carrying me.
while you walk through this life.
its time you put me down.
so that i could learn to walk with you by my side instead.

God, give me the strength, to go through this life,through the challenges and the lessons for me to learn. Show me the path that i should take, and guide me in choosing the right choices. Aminn..

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